Mon: All Periods 1-7
Tues: Odds 1 3 5 7
Wed: Evens 2 4 6 8/Pond
Thur: Odds 1 3 5 7
Fri: Evens 2 4 6 8/Pond
Bret Harte Union High School
Mon: All Periods 1-7
Tues: Odds 1 3 5 7
Wed: Evens 2 4 6 8/Pond
Thur: Odds 1 3 5 7
Fri: Evens 2 4 6 8/Pond
Monday 3/3
Boys Golf @ Hilmar Tournament | Depart: 8:00 AM | Tee Time: 10:30 AM
Softball vs Amador| Release: 12:30 PM JV, 2:30 PM Varsity | Game Times: 2:00 PM JV, 4:00 PM Varsity
Tuesday 3/4
Baseball @ Sonora | Release: 1:15 PM | Depart: 1:30 PM | Game Times: 3:00 PM JV, 6:00 PM Varsity
Wednesday 3/5
Swimming vs Calaveras | Release: 2:45 PM | Meet Time: 4:00 PM
Thursday 3/6
Softball: Dandelion Days Tournament | Release: TBD | Depart: TBD | Game Times: TBD
Baseball @ Galt (Varsity Only) | Release: Lunch | Depart: 1:15 PM | Game Time: 3:30 PM
Friday 3/7
Softball: Dandelion Days Tournament | Release: TBD | Depart: TBD | Game Times: TBD
Swimming @ Woodcreek Invitational | Depart: 8:00 AM | Meet Time: 12:00 PM
Tennis @ Riverbank Doubles Tournament | Release: 11:15 AM | Depart: 11:30 AM | Match Time: 12:30 PM
Track & Field: Timberwolf Invitational (Varsity Only) | Release: 11:45 AM | Depart: 12:00 PM | Meet Time: 3:00 PM
Saturday 3/8
Softball: Dandelion Days Tournament | Release: TBD | Depart: TBD | Game Times: TBD
Swimming @ March Madness Invitational | Depart: 6:00 AM | Meet Time: 9:00 AM
Monday FCA during lunch in the Lower Gym
Tuesday Spanish Honor Society Mtg during lunch with Sr. Brady in RM 51
Thursday GSA Meeting during lunch with Ms. Maurer in RM 48
March 3-8
Monday: No Activities
Tuesday: Rabbit Co-op mtg during lunch in RM 12 Ms. Hiner
Wednesday: No Activities
Thursday: Sheep Co-op mtg during lunch in RM 15 Mr. Sawyer
Friday: Regional Speaking Contest
Saturday: UC Davis Field Day
Math/Science will be on Tuesdays. It'll take place in the Learning Center and begins at 3:15 PM - 5:15PM. Late bus is available. Bus pass required. Subject to change if no tutor is available.
Mar 4 TBD
We are excited to announce that we will be offering an After-School Homework Club. This program will run from 3:10 to 5:10 PM on Mondays and Wednesdays and will provide a supportive environment for students to complete their school work.
Students that stay for the duration can ride the late bus.
Mar 3 Ms. Collins (RM 49
Mar 5 Ms. Folendorf (RM 10)
Please note that a failure to serve the After School Detention may result in a student being suspended. Your student will also receive this email along with a call slip reminder on Mondays (or Tuesday if Monday is a Holiday). As a reminder, if student fails to attend lunch and after school detention that week, it will result in In-School Suspension along with social probation up to 6 weeks. Refer to the student handbook provided at the beginning of the school year or our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Cory Williams at or Rachel McCamey 209-736-2507.
Student handbook link:
Lunch Detention
Tue - Mr. Burita (RM 24)
Wed - Ms. Kirk (RM 50)
Thur- Mr. Burita (RM 24)
Fri- Mrs. Broglio (RM 1)
After School Detention
Tue- Mr. Waelty (RM 11)
Wed- Ms. Ackerman (RM 30)
Late bus is available for students serving after school detention. Bus leaves promptly from bus chute at 5:45PM
March 5 Club Yearbook Photos
Mar 6 School Site Council Meeting
Mar 7 3rd Quarter Ends
Mar 7 P.H.A.T.
Mar 7 First Friday Lunch Activity
Mar 12 ASB Meeting
Mar 15 Chocolate Gold Coins REN Event
"I am privileged to announce that Sophia Keirns and Lilliana O'Geen will be honored as the Class of 2025 Valedictorian and Salutatorian, respectively. Both Sophia and Lilliana exemplify the traits and characteristics of what we strive to instill in all our students. Sophia and Lilliana both actively enhance our community in and out of the classroom and have each set forth, and accomplished, ambitious and honorable academic and personal goals. Please take a moment to congratulate them for their incredible achievements and encourage them to continue to aspire to ever greater heights." - Jacob Holt, principal
Stanislaus State's Early Assessment Program (EAP) will be hosting upcoming Family Engagement Talks that are ideal for parents, guardians, and family members of high school sophomores and juniors who want to help their student succeed in college and beyond. This event will be held in both English and Spanish that will cover topics such as financial aid, time management and communication strategies. Topics include early academic prep, the basics of financial aid, the California College Guidance Initiative (CCGI), and more. Family Engagement Talks are scheduled during the months of February through April. Learn more at Questions, see Ms. Godfrey in RM 27 or send an email to
Need support during difficult times? If so, utilize the following local agencies and/or phone numbers for assistance.
Calaveras Mental Health Urgent Care & Crisis Intervention Services: 1-800-499-3030 or (209)754-3239
Crisis Text Line: Text HOME to 741741
Nationals Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255
Calaveras County Behavior Health: (209)754-6525
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988
Need to refer a student? Email:
Please pick your trash! Respect your campus. If you use it toss it and recycle it.
Recycling! We have new big brown recycling bins. They are outside around campus. Please put empty bottles & cans, paper and cardboard, including card stock food containers without food in them. NO PLASTIC STRAWS, NO MILK/JUICE CARTONS & NO PLASTIC WRAPPERS.